The Hive

Author: S.C. Morrison
Category: Romance
Total pages: 53

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The Hive

The Hive is not your average omega academy.
High above the planet Altaira orbits a space station designed to fulfill the needs of its alpha and omega residents. But something rotten festers at the core of this gilded oasis.
Omega prospect 1571 knows something isn’t right on the Hive. Memories of a better place with rolling hills and lush forests tease the edges of her mind. A place where no one is a number and everyone has a name. As her friends are allocated to their new lives and she is left behind, her suspicions grow.
When her handsome handler assigns a pair of sexy as sin alphas to hasten her latent heat cycle, ghosts from her past come back to haunt her and secrets cloaked in shadows are brought to light.